
Palm Sunday


Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
/ Categories: Holiday

In the Christian calendar, Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter and the final Sunday in Lent. Palm Sunday marks the first day of the Holy Week. The day commemorates the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem riding on a donkey. It was only a few days before one of his disciples Judas Iscariot, would betray him, putting Jesus on trial and ultimately sentenced to death by crucifixion.

The Palm Sunday Meaning is derived from how the people of Jerusalem laid palm leaves on the path as Jesus passed. Today, Palm Sunday celebrations involve a procession of faithfuls carrying palms, willow or olive branches. Other names of this holiday are Branch Sunday, Passion Sunday, Flower Sunday and Willow Sunday.

What Is The History of Palm Sunday?

The Palm Sunday story narrates Jesus’ triumphant entry in Jerusalem where He would be crucified five days later. On that day, Jesus rode on a donkey as crowds called him Messiah and greeted him by waving and laying palm branches on the ground. Prophet Zachariah had predicted the event in the Old Testament that people would recognize the Messiah as he rode into the city.
