
Rock Solid Kids

Rock Solid Kids


Drawing Kids Close to God's Unchanging Heart

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
/ Categories: Children's Church

RockSolidKids are on your heart and God’s Heart: kids who know and love God because they’ve spent time with Him. It’s a slow, steady, joyful and wonderful journey. There really are no shortcuts.

Time in the Word, day after week after year, will draw your kids’ hearts and anchor them to the unchanging goodness of His.

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Then follow the Almost-Too-Good-To-Be-True Story, with your kids, from Genesis to Forever After.

RockSolidKids (RSK) is a

  • Comprehensive
  • Chronological
  • unComplicated

foundational 2-3-year Bible curriculum for kids and those who love them.
130 lessons [in six volumes] follow God’s great unchanging heart from Genesis through Revelation.

Lessons are written to be read aloud.
Which makes them refreshingly simple to use:
Sit down with your kids, your Bible, and the day’s lesson.

